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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop: Lost Pet Prevention Month!

Our friends at BlogPaws are ringing in the first Wordless Wednesday of July with some important information for all you pet parents: How to PREVENT your beloved furry friend from getting lost...and if that should happen, how to track 'em down right quick.

And Lost Pet Prevention Month fits right in with our latest ASPCA Summer Gift Pack Giveaway highlighting July 1st as "ID Your Pet Day" Here's the scoop:  If your pet has both a personalized ID Tag and is micro- chipped, they are lots more likely to be returned to you quickly and safely.

Meanwhile, back at the Ohio ranch...

I'm pooped from all this heat and humidity in our neck of the woods!

Maybe visiting my pals at the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop will perk up both me and Parental Unit.


Groovy Goldendoodles said...

The thought of losing one of the Boys terrifies me. We can never stress the importance of having the proper identification at all times.

Anonymous said...

Microchipping is so important! I would go crazy if I lost one of my babies :( ! Driving around, waiting for someone to call.. Is it gonna be a good or a bad call.. Bah, horrible!

Bocci said...

We agree with you both—I can't imagine how I would react/respond if Bocci or Bella were lost. Thankfully, Bocci is micro-chipped and wears an ID tag on his collar.

The Daily Pip said...

Summer in the Midwest can really be draining with the heat and humidity. Rest up, my friend!

Duke said...

Our mom would absolutely die if one of us was ever lost!

Bocci said...

We're with ya, Molly and Mackie. Parental Unit wouldn't hold up!

meowmeowmans said...

Gracie and Zoe have tags and microchips. Of course, they never go outside, but just in case!

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