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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shocking Behavior Revealed!

There comes a time in every dog's life when he must admit his mistakes, put them behind him (or cover them up with grass as the case may be), and move on.

So I've finally decided to reveal my "faux pas" at the BlogPaws conference to clear the air. But first, keep a few things in mind:
On the day of the conference, Parental Unit had not taken me for my usual hour morning walk (she was too busy primping for the daylong festivities). Our kind neighbor did come over with her doggie, Jordy, and we romped in the yard a few times. But if you're a fan of The Dog Whisperer, you know that back yard play is no substitute for a daily walk with your pack leader!

Anyway, Parental Unit took me around to all the exhibitor booths where I was a favorite for pictures and treats. But instead of taking me with her to the next workshop, she took me to the "doggie daycare" kindly provided by the conference. The problem was I'd never been indoors with a bunch of other dogs before, so I proceeded to "mark my territory", well, everywhere! (For some reason, I thought the water bowl looked like a nice spot). Then all those treats got the better of me, so I really marked my territory, if you know what I mean.
Then, when the pet sitters opend the gate to let another pooch out, I saw my chance to escape and ran through the gate into the hotel lobby-oops! There was so much shreiking of my name that I turned around and came back!
Needless to say, when Parental Unit learned of my antics, she was mortified, and still hasn't recovered from the embarrassment. So if you could offer her any words of consolation, I'd be grateful...

While you're thinking of the right words, take a look at more pictures from BlogPaws right here: All photo credits go to Brad Smith Photography!

       The ballroom at the Westin filled with eager bloggers.

             Yep, here it is-the place of my faux pas.

                    Here's a happy fella!

See, I wasn't the only one who thought the carpets were indoor grass!


Duke said...

We probably would have done exactly the same thing, Bocci! At least you came back when you were called!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

By the sound of their voices, it didn't seem like I had a choice!
Glad you stopped by-Talk with you soon - Maggie and Mitch!
Your buddy,

Anonymous said...

Bocci didn't get thrown out of Doggie Day Care did he?

Auntie Nanette

Asta said...

You poow innocent
NONE of that was youw fault and pawental unit should wealise doggie pawents undewstand these things happen especially when a sweet fuwwkid hasn't had a chance to do theiw business elsewhewe and been put in such an exciting new sitooation..nothing to be ashamed of. I'm just glad when you made youw escape it wasn't to anywhewe dangewous( I pwobably would have kept wunning and not come back so you'we a lot bettew than me!)

Thanks Boci fow saying those nice things about mommi's paintings(she's blushing..pwaise fwom my pupfwiends is hew favowite kind)

smoochie kisses

Bocci said...

Hi Auntie Nanette!
Not thrown out-I did try to escape, though!

Bocci said...

Yes, I am a poor innocent, aren't I Asta?! I was a bit nervous from all the people- a few too many all at once!
I don't think I'm cut out for doggie daycare!

Your buddy,

Agatha and Archie said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA we knew you loved you!! Naughty behaviour PAH We would have been right behind ya..acutally probably right in front of you..Did you get to speak at all there? How did your presentation go?? Love A+A

Bocci said...

Hi A+A-thanks for stoppin' by! Parental Unit is still not yet recovered from my peeing and pooping indoors and in public! I think she's scarred for life!
Neither of us did any speaking, but Parental Unit worked a bit behind the scenes. It really was great fun and very educational!
Keep a lookout on my blog for a special write-up about the conference that you will LOVE!
Your buddy,

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! You pooped in the hotel!! That's hilarious!! You should have kept running around the lobby. That would have been the best!! Run, Bocci, run! Next time, maybe Mommy will bring me to BlogPaws and we'll cause a whole bunch of trouble together!!


Bocci said...

I sure should have kept running around the lobby! But when I hear my name, I think there's a treat involved so I come a runnin'!
Your buddy,

Unknown said...

We certain must have held caught the actual reception! However after i listen to my personal title, I believe there is a deal with included and so i arrive the runnin'!

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Unknown said...





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