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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful For Your Pets? Tell Us Why!

Parental Unit want everyone to know how thankful she is for the two of us, and here are just a few of her reasons: our constant companionship, incredible amounts of affection (even from the cat!)  and a ridiculous amount of acceptance and love...

We really do show her affection and love...when we finally move from her bed!

If you have a minute amidst the hustle and bustle that is the Thanksgiving holiday, let us know what about having pets in your life makes you feel especially thankful, today and every day. We'd love to know!

In the meantime, we hope you have a fun, safe and bountiful Thanksgiving!


meowmeowmans said...

We are super thankful for Gracie and Zoe. They make us laugh and smile everyday. They're great listeners, too. And that unconditional love thing can't be beat. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends!

Duke said...

Mom says she wouldn't be going on walkies as much without us and she wouldn't be smiling as much without us. And we are always available for bearhugs. We are truly thankful to have each other♥

Bocci said...

Parental Unit claims she'd be going on a LOT LESS walks without me ! In fact, she says she can't stand walking (and feels guilty) if she has to walk anywhere without me.

And...you sure can't beat "unconditional love"!

Thanks for sharing, you guys:-)

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