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Monday, June 08, 2015

Dining With Your Dog

                    I thought this was a restaurant... No?

It looks like the U.S. is starting to loosen up a bit on its rules prohibiting dogs in restaurants—at least allowing them to dine with their humans on outdoor patios. This article from a recent New York Times  discusses a bill pending before the New York State Legislature that would give restaurants the option of allowing dogs "into back gardens and sidewalk patios." Since bringing Fido into outdoor restaurant areas is already allowed in Los Angeles, we're wondering whether it will be "so goes LA and New York, so goes the nation"?

Are dogs officially allowed in outdoor restaurant areas in your community, or do some establishments simply bend the rules to please their patrons? Let us know!


Kinley Westie said...

Dere are a few dog-friendly places round here, but not most.

Duke said...

Our mom and dad tend to never want to eat on the patio because of the bugs. That's okay, we're happy to continue to go to Glenwood and Lenny and Joes for burgers and fries and fish and enjoy them in the back seat ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Jake of Florida said...

Here in Florida, dogs can eat at outdoor patios if the local community agrees. So I've eaten outside with my folks at restaurants in Tallahasssee, Orlando, Bradenton, Plantation (Fort Lauderdale), and other cool places! Wirey woof! Just Harry

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE think we SHOULD be allowed to DINE with our peeps...

Bocci said...

I do too! I dine with my peep at home, why not at an outdoor patio?

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