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Friday, March 13, 2015

Are You Ready To Adopt A Second (Or Third!) Dog?

We're a two pet household quite by accident—Parental Unit found tiny, two month old Bella over 10 years ago on the street and had planned to give her away to a friend...but instead, she's been with us (quite happily) ever since. At the time, Parental Unit had my predecessor, Carson, so she serendipitously had a two pet household.

           Here's Bella torturing Carson like she now tortures me.

But if you're planning to add a second dog to your household, the ASPCA has some mighty fine strategies to first, help you make the decision (is this the right time for your family to add a second pooch?), and how to best integrate the new dog into your family.

With so many dogs in need of loving forever homes, adding another dog to your family is certainly something to consider. How many of you already have multiple canine households? Let us know how you decided to take the plunge and what tips you have for others about to add a second or multiple dogs to their home.


Duke said...

Mom says two is good for her and we're very happy about that!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

If we ever added to our household we sure would seriously go the adoption route. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

mom said two of us is like 10. The nerve!
Lily & Edward

KB said...

We have two dogs at the moment. We like two the best because it fits our lifestyle well - we can each take responsibility for exercising one of the dogs each day. For a while, we had three dogs, due to a family issue that meant that a dog needed a new home. We adopted him and adored him. But, two dogs are easier than three for us. I remind myself of this every single time a rescue tugs at my heartstrings.

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