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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

The BlogPaws folks are continuing to spotlight Pet Health Awareness Month through November—check out their info! And since physical activity is so important to overall pet health, this week's mini "theme" is "Go Bike"! How many of you bike with your pet?

Meanwhile, back at the Ohio ranch, we're frozen in place from an early winter blast, like much of the country.

Luckily, we can join the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop and meet new friends without ever braving the weather.


Groovy Goldendoodles said...

Didn't this weather catch the entire country by surprise? We're in VA and even though we had no snow yet, the chill in the air is brutal. Stay warm....

Talent Hounds said...

Look at all that snow!

Duke said...

We don't have any snow but it's sure cold here!
We don't bike with our peeps, Bocci.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sheltie Times said...

Snow cookies. We are so envious.

The Daily Pip said...

Gosh, you have lots of snow. We have cold weather, but no snow!

Kinley Westie said...

Brrr, looks cold!

Mary @ StaleCheerios said...

Brr! Looks pretty cold to a Texan like me!

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