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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

How Our Pets Are "Chillin'" During The Cold Snap

This just in from NPR: An amazing slideshow submitted by NPR readers of their pets enjoying the cold weather—in their own way, of course! Not that we're keeping track, but it looks like for the most part, the dogs are frolicking outdoors and the cats are snuggled up indoors... And don't miss the barnyard pets!

Me? I did go for a regular length walk today, but other than that, we're just chillin' indoors.

For those of you enduring this frigid weather, how did you handle it? Let us know!


Unknown said...

Stay warm and cosy. We are thinking of all of you out there in the vortex. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We get VERY short walks and spend the rest of the day bored inside the house. Mom says bored is a good thing as long as we're safe and warm.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sagira said...

Did you survive the cold? BRRRR!

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