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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet" Tips: Nine Canine Cancer Prevention Strategies

    Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

Our friends at Dog Channel (Dog Fancy's online presence) presented these strategies to help prevent canine cancer-and you know, we're all about prevention here at Bocci's Beefs. These tips from Dog Fancy's "Natural Dog" magazine include a few that we're already practicing, like no chemical lawn or weed treatments for our small patio and yard, and providing only filtered tap water for drinking. We still use the chemical, spot-on flea and tick treatments because they work so incredibly well, but only apply them a few times a year, not once a month. But one of these days, Parental Unit will try some of the more natural flea and tick treatments to see how well they work.

We'd love to hear some of the natural (and not-so-natural) strategies you've tried to keep your pet healthy-please let us know!

P.S. Stay tuned for an awesome treat review and lots of invaluable information coming this week!


Unknown said...

Our top tip is a treat a day keeps the dawgtor away. Joking apart I am not sure we have any. Maybe you could share the ones peeps put forward in comments. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Curious to see ideas as I don't have any

Sagira said...

We don't use Frontline unless we need it. We have switched over to using Trifexis heart worm treatment and there is a natural flea treatment in that as well.

Bocci said...

Hmmm. We've not heard of that treatment, Sagira. We;ll have to check it out-thanks!

Duke said...

What a great article! Unfortunately, Connecticut has too many deer ticks for us not to be wearing our Frontline preventative. Mom pulled a deer tick off of herself yesterday. grrrrrrrrr

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

We had a run-in with a few ticks over Memorial Day weekend, Mitch and Molly...and Parental Unit is still checking herself! We don't know the differences among the ticks, though-just know that we hate them!

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