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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pets Add Life (PAL's) Latest Video Goes Viral!

Our friends from Pets Add Life (PAL) just let us know about their brand new video that went viral over the weekend. As you may know, the PAL campaign was founded by the American Pet Products Association to promote responsible and multiple pet ownership, and encourage increased animal adoption-and we're all for that!

Among their many collaborative, community outreach efforts, PAL worked with Andrew Grantham, creator of the wildly popular viral YouTube Video, "Ultimate Dog Tease", to produce this new video that shows just how badly our pets want a companion...regardless of species!

Enjoy this hilarious new video from Grantham, aptly titled, "Dog Wants A Kitty" and think about giving your pet an adopted new dog or cat to keep them company.


Helen P. said...

I saw this in a couple places, and it is such a great video!

Cowspotdog said...

Loves this guys videos - have watched many of them :)

Bocci said...

The combination of that voice and the dog moving his mouth at just the right places is just hilarious-we were doubled over with laughter! And all for a good cause, too!

Duke said...

We just love this video! Thanks for sharing it, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

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