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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet" Tips: Engage Your Pet's Body and Mind.

       Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

Our furry friends need daily fun, too, says this article by the ASPCA. But while most of you humans have jobs that at least keeps your mind occupied during the day, we dogs and cats mostly depend on you for both our physical and mental stimulation. And make no mistake, we need both daily to be happy and healthy.

For example, According to the ASPCA, adult dogs need at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise twice a day, plus structured games and training exercises to stimulate their minds. Sound like a lot to fit into your day? Well, we think so too, but we believe it's correct, and part of our responsibility as a good pet parent Just think how good you humans would feel if you took a 30 minute walk before work and after work...with your four-legged best friend, of course! And if you spent a few minutes, say in the evening, playing a rousing game of fetch with us, inside or out, then you've met your quota.  Parental Unit uses our stairs for a two-story game of fetch practically every day. And rain, shine or snow, we go for at least one 45 minute walk each day. But she knows she's got it easier than most, at least for now, because she's only working outside the home part time.

As far as mentally stimulating our cat Bella, she and Parental Unit have a variety of daily games, like "The Sponge Game": Parental Unit wipes off the island counter and Bella sits on the stool and tries to "catch" the moving sponge. (Same game played with the Swiffer and dust rags) Then there's "The Bed-Making Game, where Bella hides under the sheets and covers and Parental Unit pretends she can't see her (no clean sheets in this house!). Then there are the blind openers to swat (in the middle of the night) and the birds and squirrels to watch during the day. Bella seems to be doing just fine, but truthfully, Parental Unit feels guilty that I don't have enough exercise and stimulation, and almost never go off leash...we're working on it.

So how often and in what ways do you physically and mentally exercise your pets? Let us know!

P.S. Stay tuned later this evening when we announce the winner of Pukka's Promise: The Quest for Longer-Lived Dogs!


Unknown said...

Good post! But now I feel guilty :(...I need to walk Max more :) does showering him with constant attention qualify? :)

Duke said...

Molly plays catch the tennis ball with mom and dad and anyone else who will play with her all day long. That girl is nuts!

Love ya lots,

Bocci said...

Molly sounds like lots of fun (I'm sure you're fun, too, Mitch!)

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