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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

"What's A Dog For?"

Cool illustration by Peter Ourmanski, courtesy of  The New York Times
In fact, that's the title of yet another new book about dogs: What's A Dog For? The Surprising History, Science, Philosophy, and Politics of Man's Best Friend. and it looks like a winner to us. As stated in this recent NewYork Times book review, the book is "both a survey on the latest research on canine cognition and a memoir of his [the author's] years with his Lab mix, Stella. The author, executive editor at New York magazine, was curious to know "why so many of us bond with dogs and why dog ownership is on the rise."

Have dogs become more like humans? Are humans living more isolated lives and need some form of physical companionship, i.e., a warm body? Our best guess is that this book answers these questions and more in a thorough and entertaining way. With any luck, we'll be able to do a review and giveaway at some point soon-paws crossed!

Speaking of book reviews and giveaways, we've got a real treat coming up: On Friday, we'll review and begin our giveaway of a copy of the amazing book, Dogs of Courage by Lisa Rogak, so stay tuned!

And...we've got a book giveaway going on right now-thanks for reminding us to remind you... that it's not too late to enter to win an autographed copy of Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend: www.boccibeefs.com/2012/12/rin-tin-tin-life-and-legend-review-and.html


GizmoGeodog said...

You've asked some good questions there...It's becoming more & more common to hear dogs (& cats) referred to as children, something i do not remember ever hearing when I was a child...i think there's been a shift in how we relate to our animals

Duke said...

This sounds like an awesome book and mom says "yes" to both of your questions!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Capri said...

I would buy that book in a heartbeat if it's available in the bookstore nearby. I have a dog and she's been a good companion to me.


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