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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

Guess what kind of pet is featured today over at the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop?  BlogPaws is, of course, a broadminded organization that does not discriminate because of breed or species, and welcomes all companion animals. Check out this adorable fella resting in the sun!

And we've got a good-lookin' pair to share today, too, although they're getting their sun (mostly) from the inside...

                      You know who guarding the yard.

                       Bella and I guarding the yard.

         Bella and I sunning ourselves..., er, guarding the yard.

If you're up and around, why not join the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Hop and meet some new pet blogging buddies?


CatLadyDaily said...

Awwww...you & Bella look like best pals! :)

Duke said...

We wish we had windows that went all the way to the floor! We could do such a better job of guarding!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

GizmoGeodog said...

Good to see that you and Bella take your security duties so seriously :)

The Daily Pip said...

Yep, these are some great pictures! I can almost feel the warmth of the sun in that last shot.

Your pal, Pip

meowmeowmans said...

We love seeing you and Bella doing stuff together. what great buddies you are! :)

Unknown said...

Those are very sweet pictures of Bella and you!

Mollie said...

Alfie and Me love lying in the sun together, we've got nasty rain at the moment :( Popped by to say Hi:)

Mollie and Alfie

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

From the mom - Great guarding techniques - gotta find that sun anywhere you can this time of year. By the way, the Beaglebratz got their Angry Birds today but they don't know it yet. Since I work all day, I am probably going to wait until at least tomorrow when I get home from work (had to run errand after work today so it was a little later than usual) or Saturday at the latest. Also sharing one with my sister's dog Bailie (a Westie so the size is perfect). She is nursing my sister back to health so she needs a reward :)
Mom Kim

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