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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet Tips": Take This Thanksgiving Food Quiz...

          Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

With the big American eating holiday just a few days away, why not take this quiz posted on the Found Animals blog, The Water Bowl, to test your knowledge of Thanksgiving food safety for your furry friends. Would you (or better yet, should you) feed your dog any of these holiday favorites: cranberry compote, turkey (and/or turkey bones and skin), sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts...yay or nay? Better to find out now rather than when your four-legged family member upchucks something scary under Uncle Burt's feet...

P.S. As you're preparing your holiday feast, why not take a spare moment and enter our two giveaways we've got running: Win one of two, Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups DVD's fresh from Disney, and a $50 gift card with free shipping to Pet Food Direct-it will only take a few minutes to enter, and who couldn't use a charming, family-friendly movie to watch over the holidays, or 50 bucks worth of free pet supplies?

A always, many thanks for your support!


Duke said...

Angel Maggie ate sweet potatoes all the time and loved them so we know they're safe! Thank you for the link, Bocci!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Yep, we knew in advance that sweet potatoes are a good thing for doggys! I love them! And angel Carson, well, he loved everything, including paper, so can't go by his judgement:-)

Wild bird food said...

I didn’t really know that sweet potatoes are good for dogs. I need to try it for my dogs and see whether they would love it.

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