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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet Tips" Trim Your Dog's Nails Safely

You know, Parental Unit had never trimmed her dogs' nails...that is until she got me and invested in a quality pair of nail clippers. All her other dogs had to be professionally groomed, so she had the groomers do the nail clipping. Now Parental Unit fearlessly handles all of my grooming needs-and saves some bucks in the process!

We saw these awesome tips for trimming your dog's nails on Dog Channel.com, Dog Fancy's online presence, and when we realized how exacting and thorough they are, we knew these tips would be perfect to pass along in our Sunday column.

We hope you put these tips to good use-and here's Parental Unit's addition: don't trim off too much, just   cut off the little hook or the tip and trim more frequently!

Happy relaxing Sunday!


Two French Bulldogs said...

mom trims our nails and has the emergency stuff ready just in case.
Snuggles and snorts
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

This is a great article, Bocci! Our mom needs to trim our nails more often and stop being a scardycat, although we really prefer her being a baby about it cause we hate having our nails trimmed!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

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