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Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday/Monday, "Living With Your Pet Tips": How to Choose Pet Health Insurance

It turns out that to wisely choose pet insurance, you have to do "due diligence", including research among the policies, reading the fine print and  finding out information the old fashioned way, by asking direct questions of the insurance company representatives-just like you do when choosing among human health insurance policies.

But it sure helps to know what to look for at the start, and this detailed discussion from Cesar's Way provides what you need to know to start your search. And the good news: it doesn't seem to be nearly as expensive as human health insurance. According to this piece, "dog owners can expect to pay between $15 a month for a basic plan to about $75 for the most comprehensive coverage. [And] Most policies will reimburse 80-90 percent of a claim."

Now that doesn't sound too bad to us, considering that Parental Unit paid $12,000 total for five surgeries and one mini dialysis for my predecessor, the ornery wire fox terrier, Carson. As soon as she can afford her own health insurance or obtains a full-time job that provides it, she vows to cover me and Bella!

                       Sweet Carson, pre surgeries...

How about you? We'd love to know how many of our pet owning friends have either invested in pet health insurance or wish they had!


Gene Bernice said...

This article helped me a lot by providing the way how to choose pet insurance.

 Cover Letter Samples 

George The Lad said...

Well I'm sure glad Mom got us covered. We have full cover that's for life, yes it is alot of money each month, but with Tess's Hip Dysplasia shes already had an XRay and that didn't come cheap. but if she needs an OP later in life she is still fully coverd. Mom says if she had saving in the bank them she might not take out pet insurance.
Thanks For the info.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

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