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Friday, August 24, 2012

Man Abandons Dog To Die On Mountain...And Then Wants Her Back

Photo of Missy and her former owner and family, courtesy of DogTime Media

This is an absolutely wild story! In summary, a man and his family went hiking on a 14,000 ft. mountain in Colorado, and insisted on taking their German shepherd dog, Missy, with them, although the mountain climb was rated too difficult for a dog. When Missy's paws became torn and bloody (and a storm was apparently brewing), they abandoned the dog and went back down the mountain. The owner did call the sheriff, but was told that no rescue operation could be undertaken at that time.

Well, six days later, other hikers found the poor pooch, bandaged her up and left her with food and water, while they went back down the mountain and organized a search party. Missy was brought safely back down the mountain after eight days by this kind group of people.

After the rescue, the abandoning owner came forward to claim Missy, but instead he was charged with animal cruelty. His court date is in October and a judge will decide whether Missy should be returned to him.

What do you think about this case? Should he get Missy back? Should he be convicted of animal cruelty? At least from the facts we have, it seems that if one group of people could organize their own rescue party and bring the dog to safety, then the original owner could have done the same. Who would abandon their hurt dog and not return to get her? We guess the answer is this guy...


Duke said...

What a jerk! This man doesn't deserve to have Missy back!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

houndstooth said...

Good grief! I can see leaving the dog in a safe place if you couldn't carry her out and a storm was coming, but I'd have been right back as soon as it was over to get her out. I can't fathom thinking I could get the dog back if I'd left her there for a week!

Unknown said...

No way for Missy to go back to the owner who abandoned her when she was injured.

Kristin Avery said...

This idiot should definitely be convicted and NEVER get his dog back. This is just unbelievable. What is wrong with people? I just don't get it!

The Daily Pip said...

That last comment was from me, Mr. Pip. My assistant got so upset by this story she forgot to sign out and sign me in!

Your pal, Pip

Two French Bulldogs said...

mom sid every HBO word when she heard this story. PLEASE, I hope he does not get that dog back
Benny & Lily

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

No way should he get Missy back the two people who found her and organised the party to get her back down to safety would like to keep her and they have more than shown they are compassionate and caring people. Her old owner deserves to be convicted and banned from owning another dog

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

whoops the above post was by me , Momma Tea not my pups

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Absolutely NOT! He should NOT be allowed to get her back, and he SHOULD be convicted. Besides the fact of abandoning her up there, the trail was rated too difficult for a dog anyway. That's endangerment, or neglect, or something. Not to mention if I was hiking and Layla's paws became torn or bloodied (which would be my responsibility anyway), I'd have found a way to get her down that mountain with us. No way would I have left her - but then again, I wouldn't have put her in that position anyhow. What a @(*&#%.

A MilShelb Mom said...

Holy cow! Well, I know my pawrents would have never left me on top of a mountain anyhow... that poor dog needs a new home!
~Milly and Shelby

Bocci said...

We agree: with the "Holy Cow"!; poor Missy needs a new home; and psycho former owner should be convicted of animal cruelty!

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