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Monday, March 19, 2012

Here Ye, Here Ye, All Dogs: After Mild Winter, Ticks Are On A Rampage!

Disgusting photo of tick courtesy of The New York Times

We thought it appropriate to pass on this story from yesterday's New York Times, given that we had just discussed flea and tick control in our previous post. Oh the irony of enjoying a mild winter! So many of us were walking with our pooches in January and February without fear of breaking a leg (or worse) on thick sheets of ice, or dressing Fido in woolen coats and mini snowshoes to stave off the bitter winds.
But with that mild winter and very early spring come...disgusting ticks! (see above)

While entomologists say that the mild winter is unlikely to spawn a huge increase in the tick population this spring and summer, those nasty critters will be out enjoying the warm weather a month or so earlier, just like we are. According to a public health entomologist at the Harvard School of Public Health, "It's not that the warm weather created more ticks, but it has created the opportunity for both humans [and their canine companions] to be more active, and to make contact with each other."

"Bug doctors", as we like to call them, are also hopeful that combining this fresh data on tick bites and Lyme disease from both humans and dogs "could assist health officials in targeting Lyme disease prevention efforts." One dog and its owner mentioned in this article both tested positive for Lyme disease-the human had symptoms, the dog apparently had none. Because some of these ticks "are the size of a pepper flake", they can be easily missed, at least until they start gorging themselves and become rotund. So the best efforts are preventative: "...dog owners should be applying tick lotion and checking their dogs (and presumably themselves), every day."

                            We've got to stay vigilant!


The Daily Pip said...

Thanks Bocci! We read about this, too! My papa contracted Lyme Disease a few summers ago and it is scary stuff!

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

Great post, Bocci! We're already in full check mode for ticks here. They are such evil buggers! YUK!

Love ya lots,

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Mom just found a tick in the house last night!

Thanks for the reminder that we need to check continuously for these nasty little creatures!

Pugs & Kisses,

Brutus & Ellie

Unknown said...

Yucks!!! ticks and fleas are yikkeeeee!!!!

Eva and Mika were attacked by ticks a few months ago. Luckily they are okay now.

Don said...

Remove Ticks fast and easily with the
"Tick Twister Pro" tick removal tool.
Are you doing some camping with, or without, your pets and/or horse?
Are you camping on the side of a brook, stream or river while fly fishing?
Do you do a little gardening?
Maybe you have a big garden and you are gardening all day long.
Do you do train your own dog outside in your yard?
Are you taking your dog to outdoor dog training classes?
Do you do any horse back riding or attend horse racing events?
Are you planning on doing any hiking?
Does your dog supplement his diet by eating grass in between his meals of dog food?
Do you or someone you know live near or raise livestock?
All these things can expose you, your family and your animals to ticks?
Does the thought of getting Lyme disease scare you?
You may, one day, need The "Tick Twister Pro"
Be well; be safe. Keep your animal loved ones healthy also.

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