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Monday, March 05, 2012

Hats Of Hope For Our Blogging Friend, Miss Judi!

We though we'd join in the good wishes, positive vibes, and prayers for our blogging friend Miss Judi, who's in the the unfortunate position of waiting for biopsy results.

                     We here at Bocci's Beefs wish her well.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Bocci that is so very much Sweet and Loving of you... Butt then THAT is the kinda Guy you are!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we also wish her well!

Bassetmomma said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Judi too!

The Daily Pip said...

Thank you so much for supporting Miss Judi! She is truly one in a million and I know she feels all the love from all her friends.

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

Our paws crossed tightly for Miss Judi too!

Shawn said...

All paws crossed for Miss Judi at our house!

Duke said...

My paws are crossed for Miss Judi too, Bocci.

Love ya lots,

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