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Sunday, January 08, 2012

London Pups!

We're bringing you another round of dog photos from across the globe, courtesy of our roving photographer, Nanette Hayakawa (She's the fabulous spouse of Hiroshi Hayakawa, the photographer and author of "Kiragami Animals"), that cool book we recently profiled: www.boccibeefs.com/2011/12/make-your-own-kiragami-animals-this-is.html.

Here are the links to the two rounds of Nanette's dog photos from Paris, in case you'd like to have another gander: www.boccibeefs.com/2010/09/french-friday.html and www.boccibeefs.com/2011/06/wordless-wednesday_08.html.

This time, Nanette and Hiroshi took a trip to London over the holidays, and as usual, the two dog lovers took quite a few photos of the four-legged companions they met along the way. We hope you enjoy!

                This photo was taken at the Millenium Bridge

                               And so was this one...

Here's a well-dressed pup and his human at the Borough Market

A playful canine at Hyde Park

And we'll close with a superb looking trio also at Hyde Park. Are those doggie coats gorgeous, or what!


meowmeowmans said...

Those are terrific photos!

Two French Bulldogs said...

cool shots
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

What great photos, Bocci!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Aren't they beautiful? Pawsome pictures!

Peggy Frezon said...

Thanks for the photos, I love seeing dogs everywhere. Those last white dogs look like they probably get a weekly visit to the groomer!

Renee and Mugs said...

I actually like the homeless man + dog. I hope she gave him some money!

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