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Friday, December 23, 2011

Make Your Own Kiragami Animals-This Is Cool!

Remember a couple of years ago when we introduced you to our friend, Hiroshi Hayakawa, a photography professor at the Columbus College of Art and Design where Parental Unit teaches writing? Here's the link to that post titled: "A Model Dog". He designed this amazing book, Kirigami Menagerie, that teaches you how to make cool looking animals from paper patterns-do recall that I was the model for the terrier in the book :-)

This year, Hiroshi's publisher decided to put together a kit to help everyone make these stunning paper animals that includes a copy of Kirigami Menagerie, pre-cut templates of all 38 animals, plus a completed Giraffe. This kit, Kirigami Animals, is sold exclusively at Barnes and Noble: www.barnesandnoble.com/w/kirigami-animals-hiroshi-hayakawa/1100877636?ean=9781435132405&itm=1&usri=kirigami%2banimals. We think it makes a perfect (albeit belated!) gift for the creative person on your list.

I'm certainly proud to be part of this collection, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


Duke said...

He does such amazing work! We're off to check out the book link. Thanks for letting us know, Bocci! Merry Christmas Eve!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Furend I would like to wish YOU and Your Mom and all of those you Love a Very Merry Christmas and or Happy Hannaukah.

Hope Santa Paws puts some SUPER stuffs under your Tree and IN your Stocking.

dawn said...

That is so cool! My niece's birthday is in a few months and she loves horses which I see is included. I added it to my list.

We are just stopping by from the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop to wish you a Merry Christmas!

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