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Monday, December 19, 2011

Man Rescues Dog, Dog Rescue Man: A Beautiful Friendhip Is Born

We couldn't pass up sharing this amazing rescue story with its serendipitous turn of events, after reading it on Cesar's Way.  Don Callahan, a retired police officer who just happens to have diabetes and  heart problems, adopts an adorable mixed breed named Wyatt (who looks remarkably like me!).

                    Photo of Wyatt Courtesy of Cesar's Way

Photo of Me courtesy of Parental Unit

One frigid evening five years later, Callahan and Wyatt were taking their usual evening walk when Callahan's glucose monitor stopped working and he passed out face down into the snow. Smart Wyatt to the rescue! He ran to the corner and sat under the street light, barking furiously, until two neighbors came out, thinking he (Wyatt) had been injured. He promptly led them to Callahan-just in the nick of time. And wait, there's more: after Callahan fully recovered, a later  EKG showed that his heart condition has improved dramatically over the years from all of his walking with Wyatt.

Lessons to be learned from this story of two best buddies? Adopt a dog (or two or three) and then walk the pooch(es) like crazy-you'll both benefit!

P.S. Stay tuned tomorrow for a  review and giveaway of the latest and greatest grooming tool from FURminator products. We call this our "miracle tool"!


Duke said...

What a great story and what a smart boy Wyatt is! Thanks for sharing this, Bocci!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Daily Pip said...

Great story, Bocci!

Your pal, Pip

Two French Bulldogs said...

Cool story
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.

Bocci said...

Thanks Priscilla, it is a beautiful story!

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