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Monday, June 27, 2011

Zoo Animals Escape Flood

We highly recommend this story, straight from the front page of Saturday's New York Times, that tells of the evacuation of the Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot, North Dakota, with a suspiciously familiar story line: a flood, animals in pairs heading for shelter to escape the rising waters and even a lamb named "Noah".

After record-breaking floods threatened to wipe out this small zoo, workers scrambled to set up a makeshift  home in an abandoned warehouse on higher ground, even hailing a trailer from Wisconsin just to transport the giraffes. "It was the saddest day I ever experienced," said a seasonal zookeeper. "Because you could see the terror in their eyes."

Despite their fear, all of the animals were safely transported to either the hastily appointed warehouse or to other zoos able to take them in. Although the flood waters are expected to remain into July, the Roosevelt Park Zoo likely won't be able to reopen until next year. Read the full article here: www.nytimes.com/2011/06/25/us/25flood.html?ref=us. P.S. Don't miss the beautifully written last paragraph...


Asta said...

Thank you once again fow a moving and bootiful awticle..Those poow hoomans and fuwwkids ..anothew awful disastew wif eveyone suffewing ,but I'm so happy that those kind hoomans wewe able to help the zoo aminals get a little less fwightened and sved theiw lives
smoochie kisses

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! We just saw in the news the major damages the flood water did to ND. Golden Thanks for sharing the article ... great that the animals are getting help. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Kolchak Puggle said...

Ooohhhh Bocci! How sweet!

The Daily Pip said...

Thanks for sharing, Bocci!

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

Those poor animals must have been so scared! Bless the hoomans for helping them out!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing those stories. I'm so glad those animals are okay at last.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Southern California

I am your newest follower :-)

I invite you to visit TOGB :-)

Have a Nice Day :-)

Unknown said...

We are so glad all the animals are safe. Bless those people who helped them:0)

We did finally manage a shout out about your mom's book. Hope it brings in some traffic.some of our friends have also offered to pass on the word, so that should help too.
Mummy is still working on Shadow's story and we are hoping she will send it to your mom by early next week. We just hope it isn't too late.
Love n wags,
Gin, Bud n Shadow

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