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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pet Bloggers Meet In Local Park: Fun And Frivolity Ensue!

Hey did we have a great time on Saturday, or what? Many thanks to Frankie Furter (yes, the one and only Mayor of Blogville) and his family, and Sagira and her family for suggesting and arranging our picnic in the park-they even arranged to have absolutely perfect weather-what connections they must have!

Although this extra large, multi-area dog park is only about 25 minutes from our home, Parental Unit and I had not visited it before, but I think I've got her trained to take me there a bit more often:-) Anyway, we thought we'd share some pictures of our fun afternoon-hope you enjoy!

Christina and Parental Unit in back row, and L-R, bottom row: Bokeh, Sagira, Starr, Frankie, and me.

Here I am, temporarily taking over Frankie's "office". I figured out how to jump out pretty quick!

Here's a close-up of Sagira and Bokeh-take a gander at those beautiful baby blues.

Hey, this package has my name on it!
It was a furry, squeaky and pully monkey-love it! Many thanks Frankie! And those yummy treats are from Sagira and her siblings-thanks to you, too!

We had more pictures to show you but Blogger is acting up again! To be continued...


Asta said...

That looks like such a fun time wif bootiful and handsome fwiends.That pwessie fwom Fwankie is gweat and those yummie licious tweats..I'm so glad you got them all.

guess what Bocci? I got youw fantaboolous pwessie today. That bootiful book you sent me. I look fowawd to weading it xept, mommi said some of it might be a little scaiwy fow me.
I love you and thank you again
smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Bocci Buddy I am sooooo very much glad that you liked your pressie.
I hope that the Chicken Liver Brownies didn't upset your tummy or stuffs. I am also glad that you liked the Flavor Ice that I brought. It wasn't easy, butt I am working on teaching my mom some decent Kitchen Skills.
I think that I REALLY REALLY want to go back to that grrreat Dawg Bark to meet up and PLAY with you!!

It was a grrrrreat time... I couldn't get settled down last night... butt today... well, I was actually GLAD that it was a rainy and stuffs... if you get my drift.
PeeS... I have seen SEVERAL complaints about Blogger being a total TREE RAT today.

Wyatt said...

We have been reading about your "grand day out" on some of the other blogs!! Pretty cool celebrity get together!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Duke said...

What fun that you guys got to meet, Bocci! And what nice pressies! Sagira and Bokeh do have the most gorgeous eyes!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sage said...

Picnics are always fun, fun, fun. But when you have your furiends along, it's the best!!

George The Lad said...

Wow you got to meet Frankie, and your blogging friends how cool is that.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Jodi said...

That looks like fun!!

Sagira said...

So happy that you guys made it to the picnic and we got to meet up with you. Finally got blogger to actually follow your blog to, yippee!

Can't wait to see the rest of the photos. We will have some posted Today-Weds as well.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is just so furry furry khool!

I'm jelly of all of woo!

Thanks fur sharing your fun with us!


Pup Fan said...

How fun!

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