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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Does Your Dog Pass Gas?

Just in case you've chosen to indulge your pooch with lots of treats from the Easter or Passover dinner table today, and the result has been, well,...flatulence, we're passing along this fascinating article that details everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about why some of our furry best friends get gas, and what you can do to prevent it. How can an article about pet farts be fascinating you ask? Well, let's just say we learned a lot. This will teach all you humans who've been blaming that sudden odor on "the dog" a thing or two! What it will teach you is that...you've probably been right!

Read and enjoy the full article, written by Dr Richard Palmquist, and published in the Huffington Post last week: www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-palmquist-dvm/dog-farts-pets-pass-gas_b_851577.html.

But when you start pointing fingers and paws, remember what Dr. Palmquist said, "Gas is a normal thing for digestive systems to produce."

Of course, you can always take my advice and blame it on the cat.

We hope that you all have a joyous Easter, Passover or just plain fabulous Sunday.


FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Since I'm on a special diet for food allergies I haven't had a gas problem. I won't have to show this article to my Human.

Hope y'all are having a blessed day,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Duke said...

I NEVER pass gas! It's ALWAYS, Mitch, Bocci!
Happy Easter!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

How Sam Sees It said...

Well, hubby likes to blame the dogs for it, and while the dogs have been known to store them up for company, I know better!


meowmeowmans said...

Thankfully, Moosey and Sammy don't seem to pass too much gas, but we've definitely had pets who did. :D

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to you!

Anonymous said...

My cat Jeffrey swears it's not him. Since I don't give him table scraps I tend to agree that it is the hubby.

TwoSpecialWires said...

They always blame it on the dog. Hmrph!

Hope YOUR Easter was nice! Thanks for the happy wishes ... including those for Fergi's birthday. Life's been good!

Jake and Fergi

Unknown said...

I never do it but I'm not sure about Uncle Mika! I'm a princess, do you remember???
~ Eva

Pup Fan said...

Interesting! Thanks for the link...

Anonymous said...

Well, I usually don't have gas, but I'm on a new food and Mama was holding her nose in the car on the way to the dog park the other day. I tried to tell her that it was the raw sewage on the street... NOT ME! I think I may have convinced her. I'm still on the new food and I had some lamb on Easter. Of course Mama could never tell in the house. I do have hu-brothers. Mama says they are "windy"! I'm not sure what that means, but she is always opening a window.

Thanks for the link!

Your Pal,

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