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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Beast's Facebook Fan Page

Did you hear about "Beast", Mark Zuckerberg and his girlfriend, Priscilla Chan's, adorable new puppy? He's a breed of Hungarian sheepdog called Puli, but at this stage he's a chubby, white fluffball, and the only thing he seems interested in herding is a doorknob...
Check out Beast's new Facebook Fan Page for some ridiculously cute pictures and video: www.facebook.com/beast.the.dog.

Now, I have a Facebook Fan Page, too, which has been up a lot longer than Beast's has, but I sure don't have  almost 45,000 "Fans"-what's up with that? I never heard of this dude, but Parental Unit wants me to ask him how in the heck to get something called a Facebook "Like Box" on my blog. She tried for about a million hours yesterday, and it kept rejecting the url for my Fan Page...hmmm. Mark, are you out there? Would you please help her so I can go for a walk?


Elizabeth Keene said...

Bocci, I don't know if this is your issue, but when I tried a bazillion hours last week to do the same thing on my blog, I finally realized that I needed to be signed *out* of Facebook in order for the "Like" box to show up. If I was signed on Facebook, all I saw on my blog was a white box with an error message in it.

Goog luck!

Elizabeth Keene said...

Oops: gooD luck!

Duke said...

We've never heard of Beast. We'll have to check him out, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

BOCCI we are going right over to find you in facebook!! We have our own account that PL2 doesn't know about!!!! hee hee Love A+A

Rachel said...

I "like" you on and off FB... I don't even need a button! :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I was wondering about him having his dog on there too when I thought animals were no longer allowed to have their own fan pages. Ohhhh wait! He owns Facebook!!! BOL! He can break the rules! :)

Vicky said...

Actually, what FB is trying to limit are pets having "people" pages. I've seen nothing that indicates that pets can't have fan pages.

Also, in order to have a "like" box, you have to have a custom Facebook page name. Currently your FB page is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=133913176637508&v=wall

You need to get a "custom" name to have the custom "like" box. To see the difference, here's what my Facebook page name is:

If you need help getting a custom page name, message me and I'll help you out.

Delishhh said...

Thanks for the link it was a blast going there. Love your blog - cute pets :)

Lorenza said...

I guess he knows something that we don't or
he has some kind of privileges!
I wonder why!! Haaaa!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

You know that doggie is from my state...heehee!
We have to be famous for sumthing, right?


Bocci said...

Hey, thanks for your efforts to help Parental Unit with her Facebook woes. Vicky, PU here. I'm sure you are right-I'll try and get that custom name-if I can't do it, I'll shoot you an e-mail. Thanks for the offer!

You are all so kind:-)

KB said...

I'm facebook illiterate... sorry. But, I hope that you got to go for a walk!

Unknown said...

I've no facebook! Sigh!!!

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

If you need any help with the facebook stuff, just let me know! :)

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