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Friday, December 31, 2010

ASPCA'S Top Ten Adoptions For 2010

Why not sit back, relax, and read these beautiful tales of pet adoption from the ASPCA to close out your year. We can't think of a better way to say farewell to 2010 and welcome 2011, than with these heartwarming success stories.

Parental Unit and I gently encourage each of our followers and friends to promote pet adoption in 2011 in whatever way you choose. And for those of you who have already adopted or rescued your pooch, we'd love to have your stories for the book we're putting together-please check out the link at the very top of our sidebar. If this book is accepted for publication, it will be used to promote dog adoption and rescue, and a nice hunk of the proceeds from its' sale will go directly to rescue organizations-more on that in the coming weeks. 2011 should be an exciting year for all of us!

We hope you all ring in the New Year with lots of good cheer from family and friends and...stay safe while you're at it!

I don't know if I'll make it till the ball drops, I'm already starting to nod off...


Shawn said...

You look so cute cuddled up on the bed...my bet is you will snooze all day but will be bright eyed and bush tailed for the drop of the New Year's Ball in Times Square!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

A nap sounds like a great idea!

Here's to more furever homes in 2011!

Khyra and Khompany

Marg said...

Happy New year. What a great picture of Bocci all snuggly in the bed. We don't have a rescue story about dogs but a bunch about rescuing some cats. Take care.

Denise Kline said...

I am your newest follower from "Winter Friends" Blog Hop! I am also following you on Twitter and Facebook! I'm an animal lover!! Please follow me back at
http://denkli-satisfyyoursenses.blogspot.com Thanks!

Lori/Mommy B said...

Happy New Years from The Adventures of Mommy B!!

The Daily Pip said...

Happy New Year, Bocci! I will definitely not make it until midnight!

Your pal, Pip

meowmeowmans said...

Excellent message, Bocci! Happy new year to you and your whole family. :)

Lorenza said...

Happy New Year Bocci and Parental Unit!
I wish you the best!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Happy New Year to you and your parental unit, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Barbara Platt said...

I am your newest follower from Super Sat hop

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Hi! We're here with the bloghop! One of us (Trixie) was adopted from a shelter, and so were Mama's two angel dogs who passed away before we knew her. Mama has bookmarked your site and she will share her story if we ever give her a turn on the computer!!! Happy New Year!

Debbie Hewitt said...

New follower from the Blog Hop! Please feel free to stop by with a ‘follow back’: Thrifty and Frugal by Debbie And you may just bump into our bald humans, lol...we're Sienna (golden retriever) and Ange AKA Booger...we adopted our humans too!! we strongly encourage all furry friends to do the same with love!!

Anonymous said...

I have a rescue black lab-boxer named Bertuzzi who is genuinely CRAZY, but I love him more than anything! I got him to be a companion for my older chocolate lab. Well we lost Magnum a few weeks ago, and Bert is going a little crazy without his friend. So we may be rescuing another pup here soon! Great message!


Pup Fan said...

Thanks for the ASPCA link & happy new year!

KimT said...

Perfect picture for the day! Awesome idea on the book and proceeds - best wishes for it! Happy New Year!!

Jake of Florida said...

Adorable photo. We didn't make it to midnight either. But Happy 2011! It seems to have started without us anyway.

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Hary

House of Carnivores said...

You gotta love the success stories! Now to make 2011 even better.

Happy New Year (yes, a little belated!)

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