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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Stalking the Wild Squirrel - Part 3

I knew it! I just knew it! Squirrels are invading our world, and my yard! Just take a look at this article, titled: "Nut? What Nut? The Squirrel Outwits to Survive" in the Science Section of today's New York Times :

Here's part of what it says about those...well, pests: "The Eastern gray tree squirrel, or Sciurus carolinensis, has been so spectacularly successful that it is often considered a pest. The International Union for Conservation of Nature includes the squirrel on its list of the top 100 invasive species." (yep, I added that emphasis to "invasive").
What have I been tellin ya all along, folks? It doesn't take an "international union" to tell me who's invading my own backyard!

So my fellow squirrel chasers, what are we going to do about this? I think we better form our own union right now-before we're all livin in trees and speakin' "Squirrel-ese". Who wants to join up? Our first meeting is tonight, 9:00 sharp under the old Elm tree. I'll be waitin' for ya!


Duke said...

Have you notified Tank about this meeting, Bocci? Tank is the man, er dog!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

No, I don't know who "Tank" is, but would love to get to know him!
Thanks for the referal, Maggie and Mitch!

Your buddy,

Anonymous said...

Bocci - it's me, Tank. I am Commander of the OWAS (operation whack-a-squirrel) Army. Maggie & Mitch alerted me to your blog in an urgent message this morning. Are you aware of the Great Squirrel War of 2009? We dogs were victorious and enjoyed several months of relatively squirrel-free living before there were rumors that the enemy was regrouping & planning a new attack. Things have been unsettled ever since. I appreciate your idea for a union, but trust me on this one... you can't negotiate with a squirrel! I'll try to be at your meeting tonight, but my tractor doesn't go very fast. Maybe if I don't take any pee breaks I'll be able to make it...

♥I am Holly♥ said...

So that's how it all started!!! We want in on it!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Unknown said...

Howdy Bocci!

I heard bout your efforts to unionized against this unpresidented invasion of the Squirrels! I am heres to report that there have been a significant increase in squirrel activity in my area! My morning and evening squirrel patrols have had to be extended just to keeps up!

I looks forward to joining your effort,

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Hi Bocci,
Nice to meet you, I'm Maggie Mae and I am a fellow squirrel chaser! I will be at your meeting place tonight...see you at the Elm tree!

Come visit me at my bloggie sometime. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Bocci said...

Hi my new visitors: Tank, Holly (met ya before!), Minna Krebs, and Maggie Mae! Thanks for stoppin by and becoming official "Followers" too!
So glad you're "up for the chase" so to speak! Will see you all tonight under the Elm (given the recent increase in activity, it should be a nightly meeting, don't you think?!)

Your buddy,

3 doxies said...

Okays, I'm heres now. I am the local ground hog killer in my parts and came to gives you a paw at eradicating this squirrely siuation we seems to be having. They is overpopulated, they taunt us, and mock us. Did yuo knoww some of them even fly...good golly, you sees what happens to squirrels on steroids...hehehe.
Okays I be heres fur da meeting.
UUmmm...you goes and remind Tank it's my birfday month....hehehehehehehe

Martine said...

We found you via Tanks two cents! We doubt he will be able to stop w/o any pee breaks as he travels on his tractor!

xo martine & the kiddlets

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Bocci...I am Dory, also a squirrel hunter, Tank also told us about you...we are all about shrinking the squirrel population!! We will head out to the meeting tonight!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Bocci said...

Hi Martine,
Thanks for stoppin by-why don't ya join Tank on the tractor fo rthe meeting? :-)

Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Great Dory! Always glad to meet a fellow squirrel hunter!
See ya under the old Elm tonight at 9:00 sharp:-) !

Your buddy,

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