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Friday, March 19, 2010

Really Intelligent Design

Remember awhile back when I told you all about that fabulous conference for pet bloggers that coming to my hometown of Columbus, Ohio, in April? Well, just a few days ago, my Parental Unit had the pleasure of meeting the "event planner" for the conference, a gal by the name of Elisabeth Pizutelli, who works for a meeting and event planning company here in Columbus called Destinations by Design. Check out their website at: www.dbevents.net.  Elisabeth is directing all the important arrangements to make this conference, well, just perfect! She told Parental Unit that she loves working with the BlogPaws team to organize everything, so that when (at last count) almost 300 pet bloggers and writers, and companies serving the pet market converge on Columbus on April 9 and 10, everything is picture perfect and ready to go. Speaking of pictures, see the one below of Elisabeth in her super cool, mod office!

The Blogpaws 2010 Conference will be held at an old, beautifully restored hotel just south of downtown Columbus that's now part of the Westin hotels. And because it's "pet friendly" lots of the conference goers are bringing their 4 legged companions-Elisabeth has even arranged on-site doggie day care and a pet photographer!
Needless to say, we're all excited here, so see what you can do about coming in-check out the conference site at: www.blogpaws.com/blogpaws/blogpaws-2010.html  From what I hear, it's filling up quick! Even if you can't make it, check out the workshops, famous pet world people, and sponsors-amazing! What's even more amazing is that I get to go! Hey, what the heck is "doggie day care"?


Nelly said...

Lucky you, Bocci. My brother Finni loves meetings like that. Pity we live in the UK otherwise he'd be there. You'll just have to get your parental unit to take lots of pics, yea?

Nelly xx

Bocci said...

Yes, she'll be taking a ton of pics for sure!
Thanks for stoppin' by-we love your blog!!!

Bocci said...

Hey, how come my comment isn't being counted?


Duke said...

It sure does sound like fun to us, Bocci! We wish we lived closer! We can't wait to see all of the pictures!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Parental Unit and I can hardly wait to share those pictures!!!
Talk with you soon!

Your buddy,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bocci!
Sure it is going to be a pawesome event!
And the best part... you will be there!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

Pawsome is right! We can hardly wait!

Talk with you soon, Lorenza :-)

Your buddy,

Agatha and Archie said...

Listen are you talking at the event?? giving a little advice or anything? If you need help let us know we are FABULOUS motivational speakers..... Your Vet looks so nice( although you are looking alittle bit down in that pic..maybe you just had that torture instrument up your well you know where... Love and kisses A+A

Bocci said...

A&A, you two are hilarious! I'm not officially scheduled, but will do some barking as necessary to get attention-would love to hear about your "motivational speaking" ! I could surely use some advice in that area. :-)

Feelin' a lot better now!

Your buddy,

TwoSpecialWires said...

Dogness, we wish we didn't live so far away. This conference sounds like the perfect reason to gather packs of canines and their people. Your moma's a lucky two-legged to be a part of it! We can just imagine ... booths and booths of doggie treats and pet massage. Hair products and fashion design. Probably even some raffles and free tickets on PetAir for fabulous Pet Destination vacations. WHY do we have to live so far away???

Have fun ... looking forward to the pics.

Pee esS. Our good friend Farfel is in Akron. Is that far away? We'll confess to not being good map readers. We mostly travel by scent.

Bocci said...

Hi "My Two Special Wires" - and special you are! You're right, my Parental Unit and I count ourselves super lucky to be able to go.
And Akron isn't too far away at all-maybe 2 hours at most. There are still some spots left, so have your friend Farfel check it out.

P.S. My Parental Unit is called "wrong way Joan" for her propensity to get lost ... :-)

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