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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bring On The Paparazzi!

O.K., now I'm really starting to feel like a celebrity! My Parental Unit and I took a nice long car ride to a beautiful place called Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio, so I could get my picture taken among beautiful rolling hills and fields of grass. My personal professional photographer, Rachel, thought that would be the perfect backdrop for me. Rachel's soon to be graduating from the college where my Parental Unit teaches, the Columbus College of Art and Design, with a major in, you guessed it, photography! Check out her fabulous web site at: www.rachellaurenphotography.com.
So why do I have my own photographer you ask?
Well, my Parental Unit is gearing up for that conference I told you about, BlogPaws 2010, and she wanted to have a "portfolio" of nice pictures to show all the folks there.  I suppose she could have taken the pictures herself, but as you can see below, she's no photographer, professional or otherwise.

 Gee, I think there's a pole blocking my view, my dear Parental Unit!

Here's Rachel trying to get a close-up. Good thing I brushed my teeth.

That's what professional photographers do-they check their shots to see how they're doing. Take a hint, Parental Unit!

See that bag of biscuits? I must have eaten a hundred of them, just by not looking at Rachel and pretending to be interested in stuff outside of the camera range (I figured that out pretty quick-duh?) The more I didn't look straight at the camera, the more Rachel and Parental Unit had to entice me with biscuits...and they call us "dumb animals". Ha!
I'll share the really good pics with you all later...in the meantime, check out Rachel's web site above to see some really great dog and other photography.


Mark Spearman said...

I'll go check out the photos. Rachel's photography is outstanding.

Good choice on getting the dog from the pound. I think you dog is a fine choice for the contest.

Newark, Ohio Links said...

I'll go check out the photos. Rachel's photography is outstanding.

Good choice on getting the dog from the pound. I think you dog is a fine choice for the contest.

Bocci said...

Yes, her photos are outstanding- I'll look forward to seeing mine!
So glad I'm done with that pound - I'm going to retire now on a silk quilt on Parental Unit's bed...
Hey, are you two followers of Bocci's Beefs yet? :-)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bocci!
I went to see Rachel's work. All the pictures are pawesome!
I can't wait to see yours!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

Thanks Lorenza! Glad you liked her work-we think it's gorgeous!
And I must say, I really know how to scam biscuits!
Your buddy,

Duke said...

Mom is always enticing us with cookies too, Bocci! No way will we work for free, right?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

I learned the hard way, Maggie and Mitch! I was way too nice when I first got here...always the obedient one without my just rewards-now I know better:-)!

Your buddy,

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