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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Faithful Followers

To all my fans from around the world, I have one humble request: if at all possible, please become an official "Follower" of "Bocci's Beefs"!  It  really only takes a minute or two. And you won't get an e-mail notice to clog your in-box everytime I write a post, but your blog's dashboard will get a discrete note with the first sentence or two of the post, and maybe even a picture of me (if you're lucky). I'm proud to already have a "Follower" from Ireland-Clive, the service dog, who can be seen at www.assistdogautism.blogspot.com  Clive has been working for 3 years with a young boy with autism. Let's give a big round of applause to Clive for all his great work!


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