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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Business of Choosing a Business Card

I mentioned in an earlier post that Cassandra Cappello of Cassandra Cappello Design created a business card just for me. But if you think it was that simple, think again. Please recall that Parental Unit is an anal retentive geek (sorry, I mean "detail oriented" - that's how she describes her consistently neurotic behavior).
But anyhow, it took her about 100 trips to the printer to get the "look" of the card, including my picture, just right. She even had the background of my picture "photoshopped" out so I would really stand out on the card. The only good thing (besides getting a neat card to hand out on my walks) was that I got to go along to the printer and help choose the card I liked best. Of course, there was a big debate over whether to go with  a matte or glossy finish. As you can see in the pictures below, I finally went with glossy.
Do you think the folks at Key Blue Printing are patient, or what?


Duke said...

We think this is a huge decision, Bocci! You have to get everything just right!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

And after a gazillion tries, we did! The cards are really cool!
Talk with you soon.

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