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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop: Celebrate Vet Techs!

This week, our good friends at BlogPaws are celebrating National Veterinary Technician Week...and we are, too! Check out this week's BlogPaws post for great information about the role of Vet Techs—and while you're at it, may we suggested giving your veterinarian's technician a big thank-you this week, and every week!

Meanwhile, back a the Ohio ranch...

Do I look a bit stunned to be sitting in a shopping cart @PetSmart? No need to call a vet tech, I'm fine!

Now on to the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop to visit with our blogging friends—roll me on over, Parental Unit!


Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

Cutie! Where in Ohio? We are in Toledo.

Duke said...

We love our vet techs! They are so nice to us☺

Kinley Westie said...

You're so good not to tear into dat food!

Bocci said...

I was too surprised to find myself sitting in that cart to dive for the food!

meowmeowmans said...

You certainly DO look as little surprised in that cart, Bocci!

World of Animals, Inc said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. We love seeing you in the shopping cart. Were you picking out all the delicious treats that you wanted? Have a great day.
World of Animals

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