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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop

Today's "theme" over at BlogPaws is "August Holidays" and the BlogPaws Team provides a fun list of all kinds of special days you can celebrate on your blog and with your pet. Don't miss this great way of planning your blog posts and doing a bit of celebrating—National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, anyone?

Meanwhile, back at the hot Ohio ranch...

We're pleased to announce that our "heat index" has dropped from 105 degrees to 97 degrees! Woot Woot! Parental Unit gave me a bone I could chew in my cool, temperature-controlled man cave (under her bed) to celebrate the occasion.

Now let's visit our friends at the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!


Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

We're in Ohio, Toledo.

M. K. Clinton said...

I love today's BlogPaws' post. There are some great ideas. It is hot down here too. We are limiting our walks to late evening.

Duke said...

August sure does have lots of yummy holidays!

The Daily Pip said...

Sounds like the temps are moving in the right direction! Though still too hot for us!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Who knew August was such a fun month
Lily & Edward

Bocci said...

Yeah, we agree—who knew August could be so much fun? The ice cream part is the best...

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