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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Joining The Black and White Sunday Pet Blog Hop

We thought we'd take it easy today because it's horribly hot and humid in our neck of the woods, but wanted to join up with our friends at the Nola the Dachund's and Sugar the Golden Retriever's Black and White Sunday Pet Hop—thanks as always for hosting, you two!

           Super cool photo of me by Rachel Lauren Photography

Now lets head over to the blog hop and see all the gorgeous black and white photography!


Duke said...

What a great photo of you, Bocci!

meowmeowmans said...

Bocci, that black and white photo of you is wonderful!

Bocci said...

Thanks so much— we both love it, too!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We have icky humidity too
Lily & Edward

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