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Monday, May 09, 2016

Dealing With Difficult Dog Owners: From One Dog To Another

                  Dr. Spot is here for you, my fellow canines!

Dear Dog Owners,

Whether you know it or not, your dog is really smart. In fact, he or she is actually smarter than you, but unfortunately, your intellect isn't sufficiently advanced to grasp that idea. (Yes, humans tend to think they're the center of the entire universe...).

Anyway, Parental Unit has been working closely with Dr. R. L. Spot, a medical doctor trained in canine psychiatry, to ensure that all of my canine pals have access to his wildly popular advice column: Dealing With Difficult Dog Owners, debuting online tomorrow, Tuesday, May 10, 2016! Dr. Spot has already helped dogs the world over take advantage of work with their problematic owners to ensure they receive, well, the best of everything!

Don't get enough walks and off-leash time? Left alone at home too long? Getting less than stellar food? Dr. Spot will counsel each of you individually to help you gain the "upper paw", so to speak, in your household. Yes, it is your home, by the way—the fact that you don't pay the mortgage or rent, or even chip in for any other expenses is a mere technicality. 

Dr. Spot will also be offering a series of online classes to help dogs take a "deeper dive" into understanding themselves and what motivates their owners—"you can never know too much about human behavior" is Dr. Spot's guiding philosophy.

We're excited to see you all right here starting tomorrow: www.difficultowners.com, where the good doctor looks forward to personally answering each and every one of your questions. Until then, visit Dr. Spot on his Facebook page and Twitter feed, where he'll dispense even more valuable advice for his fellow canines. 

In solidarity,

Bocci and Dr. Spot

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