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Sunday, April 10, 2016

It's The "Sunday Selfies" Blog Hop For All Animals!

We see so many of our blogging friends joining the "Sunday Selfies" Blog Hop sponsored by our friends at The Cat On My Head, that we decided to join in the fun!

                       I just had to take a selfie with Tigger.

And here's the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop... Yes, there's still time to join the fun!


meowmeowmans said...

Nice selfie, Bocci! We're so glad you decided to join the hop, dear pal. :)

Kinley Westie said...

Cute selfie!

Duke said...

You are such a handsome boy, Bocci!

Little Miss Titch said...

Hehehe you look like you're ready for fun,xx Speedy

Two French Bulldogs said...

A perfect selfie cutie
Lily & Edward

Anonymous said...

Nice Selfie of you and your furriend :) Pawkisses :) <3

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Yes, it's us!! Very late but we do out best to visit all the Sunday Selfie people so we are here. Welcome, the Sunday Selfie is lovely and we enjoy meeting our friends. See you next Sunday (OK THIS Sunday ;-) too) WELCOME!!!

Bocci said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the hearty welcome, Dash Kitten!

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