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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dogs With Cancer: What Humans Can Learn

We know that November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and in our attempt to promote that awareness, we think this article from The New York Times "Well" blog is pretty important.

  You humans have to be up on this stuff—we're too busy napping...

The article talks about the importance of clinical trials in understanding cancer in dogs and what treatment protocols, if any, can apply to both dogs and humans with cancer. After all, "nearly 25 percent of all dogs are expected to develop some type of cancer during their lifetime, with incidence and deaths rising rapidly with age." 

Huge strides have been made in cancer treatment for dogs in the last ten or so years since the mapping of the canine genome in 2005, and at least three cancer drugs developed specifically for dogs are now available. And fortunately, pet insurance usually pays for cancer treatment, because the cost can be prohibitive, just like it is for humans.

What we've learned is that many pet parents don't realize that there are a number of options available to help if their beloved pet is diagnosed with cancer. But the more we know, the greater the awareness, and the more lives that can be saved.


Duke said...

Cancer is a horrible disease. We wish they could find a cure and it would be gone forever.

Sheltie Times said...

Cancer is a tough road to walk with humans and dogs. Like treatment in humans with dogs we also have to discuss quality of life and treatments and that has been a tough road with Bailey's Lymphoma.

Two French Bulldogs said...

It was the most difficult thing we went through with my Benny boy
Lily & Edward

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