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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

In honor of Pet Health Awareness Month, the good folks at BlogPaws are giving us a gentle reminder for  us pets to "Eat Our Veggies" (And you humans should, too!) What else will you be doing to ramp up your pets' health? Let us know!

Meanwhile, back at the Ohio ranch...Parental Unit and I have been enjoying the waning days of fall.

Now let's hop on over to the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop and see who's really eating their veggies...and not potato chips! (Wait, potatoes are veggies—yahoo!)


Kinley Westie said...

Frenchie fries are veggies, right???

Bocci said...

Well, if potato chips are veggies, then Frenchie Fries are veggies, too!

Duke said...

We love veges! There isn't a whole lot that we don't like!

Groovy Goldendoodles said...

We're big on veggies and fruit too!

KB said...

What a wonderful photo!

Bocci said...

Thanks KB! Bocci is the biggest sweetheart:-)

Oh, Parental Unit wants me to say that I love all veggies but will not touch any fruit...

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