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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

How Much Do You Love Your Dog?

No matter how intensely you love, love love your dog, it's O.K. You're probably not weird or obsessed. In fact, it's all pretty normal. And it's also quite "normal" to intensely grieve the loss of that dog or other pet that you loved so much, so says a recent article in U.S. News & World Report.

     Photo of Parental Unit and me by Rachel Lauren Photography

Although we definitely agree with these findings, the article presents lots of research and a common sense understanding of that research to back up those claims. One of several professors quoted in the article explains it this way: "And so for at least 14,000 years, we have been ... creating an animal which understands our communications and we understand its communications and they have a bond with us." And when we lose that bond, we can feel even worse and grieve even more deeply than for the loss of a human companion. Another researcher says that because our relationships with other humans can be complicated and sometimes fraught with strife, we might grieve the loss of the uncomplicated, unconditional love from a dog even more. 

Some even call it 'true love",  not just puppy love. What say you? Do you think it's possible to love a dog more than your closest human companions or even relatives? Let us know!


Duke said...

Mom tells us all the time that she loves us to the moon and back. What a great portrait of you and your mom, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Schooner and Skipper said...

Schooner and Skipper are part of my family and I love them so much. It is that unconditional love and they are so happy to see you when you walk in the door. Skipper is my protector when we are out walking. My triple grandchildren love Schooner and Skipper. They play dress up and use them as pillows. LOVE LOVE my dogs!

Two French Bulldogs said...

There are no words she loves us so much
Lily & Edward

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