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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Cats Harassing Dogs

Cats harassing dogs? You might shrug it off with a "What else is new", and you'd probably be right, but we think this video compilation is particularly funny. We're not sure why the parental units in the third segment allowed the rather intense snarling to continue, but the rest are delightful.

           Enjoy your Sunday while I continue to be harassed...


Zoe said...

Cats are so weird! Don't tell any of 'em I said that. They have those sharp daggers at the end of their furry lil paws. Yikes!

I jus' like to sniff their tushies!

Bocci said...

Parental Unit makes fun of me when I sniff...but I always do!

Kinley Westie said...

I kinda like bein harassed by kitties. ;)

Duke said...

Those are some very patient pups!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Very patient, Mitch and Molly—I'm not quite that patient with little Miss Bella!

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