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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Scenes From BlogPaws Conference 2015!

             We're glad she's back! We do look glad...don't we?

As we mentioned before Parental Unit left for the conference, she was thrilled to be attending BlogPaws 2015 on behalf of the Puccini Foundation, an amazing nonprofit dedicated to raising funds for pet cancer research and helping all pet parents learn the warning signs and treatments of pet cancers. And a portion of their funding is typically earmarked to help pet parents afford cancer treatments for their beloved pets—a win-win-win situation for all pet parents! Please stay tuned—we'll be writing a separate post on this part of the Foundation's efforts in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, we're excited to show you a few scenes from the conference where Parental Unit had the pleasure of hobnobbing with our fellow bloggers.

First, let's start with someone you all know and love: Angel Pip and Ruby's Parental Unit, Kristen Avery, from The Daily Pip. Parental Unit is so grateful that she got to meet Kristen in person—she's even more delightful than you can imagine!

And here's another blogging pal, Carma Poodale and her Parental Unit at Saturday evening's fancy awards dinner. Ms. Carma is a medical alert service dog, in addition to being beautiful.

Dr. Patrick Mahaney is Parental Unit's absolute favorite holistic veterinarian—his breadth and depth of knowledge, kindness, and willingness to speak from his heart make him second to none. And his session on pet cancer and treatments was fantastic!

Here's Diane Silver and her adorable pooch, Rocko the Havanese from To Dog With Love. We took our annual picture and had a nice chat.

Parental Unit's all-time favorite trio, Rene, Jim and Wyatt the dog from Tripawds. What they have done to help three-legged dogs and their human parents is nothing short of amazing! And, well, they're just so cool...

Here's handsome Chilly, from Helping Hands with his eye-catching "do".

And...pigs. Did we just say pigs? These two were probably the cutest, sweetest and friendliest all-around, and were mobbed for photos.

And last but far from least are two of the co-founders of BlogPaws, the stunning Yvonne DiVita and (almost equally as stunning) spouse, Tom Collins, heading to the Nose-to-Nose Awards on the red carpet. Congrats to you and your team for a seventh fantastic conference! We're so appreciative of your hard work to support pet bloggers and connect bloggers and brands.

Now, head over to the BlogPaws Special Edition Conference Blog Hop and check out more great photos!


Duke said...

OMD, what a superfun time and parental unit met so many peeps she knew☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Kinley Westie said...

Looks like your momma had fun!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We were so happurry to see your mum again and love all the cute pix she took! See you in AZ!

Unknown said...

Looks like you really made your rounds!! I wish we could have met, but there were so many people!!

The Daily Pip said...

I loved meeting you, too! So much fun to talk and meet face to face after all these years!

P.S: Tell Bocci to stop by over the next few days for Ruby's very first giveaway!

Unknown said...

It was wonderful meeting you at the Blog Paws conference. I look forward to learning more about the Puccini Foundation.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD Your P.U. got to meet Miss Kristin????? OMD RUBY and Angel Pip's MOM??? In the FURS???? OMD we are totally GREEN with Jellyness over this...
Glad that your PU had a good time!!

Bocci said...

Hey Frankie and Ernie. PU was truly thrilled to meet Pip and Ruby's Mom in the furs! Parental Unit would have been Green with Jelliness if she had not been the one to meet her:-)

Two French Bulldogs said...

We love the piggie
Lily & Edward

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this was a great recap! Loved seeing the photos....I was so upset that I couldn't see you again and meet Kristen. She looks simply delightful! Just like she is online! Thank you for sharing these great photos!

Groovy Goldendoodles said...

Wonderfully done! I enjoyed ALL the photos, it helped give me faces to so many great posts that I read. You made me feel as if I were there.

Unknown said...

Great snaps! I'm really sorry I missed that cancer talk. Sounds like it was very informative!

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

Bocci said...

Yes, Jean, Dr. Mahaney's session on pet cancer was awesome!

Angry Girl Fitness said...

Great shots! It was a wonderful conference!

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