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Thursday, June 18, 2015

More Funeral Homes Using Dogs To Comfort Mourners

                       I think I could be of comfort, too.

This article in the New York Times is the second one we've seen recently about dogs used to comfort mourners in funeral homes. And sometimes they're not even trained therapy dogs, but simply the pet of the funeral home's owner. Whether officially trained or not, we know that dogs provide great comfort, just by being, well, dogs. A wet-nosed nuzzle, a wagging tail and even a slobbery kiss can uplift the most dour of human moods and help us through otherwise unbearable pain. Parental Unit remembers well the amazing display of empathy and comfort her first dog, Benjie, showed the entire family after the sudden death of her father. It was nothing short of amazing.

Our local newspaper highlighted the role a therapy dog named Tara played at one of our city's largest funeral homes. She passed away recently and had her own funeral complete with humans and dog mourners, a eulogy and a basket of tennis balls (Tara loved balls!). The funeral home's director said of Tara: “I watched people stroke her fur and the comfort that came from this. Her steady and unwavering companionship provided consolation to so many. She taught us unconditional love.”

Both of these stories are wonderful reminders of the great joy and comfort animals bring to our lives. We can only hope they receive the same from us.


Duke said...

We think this is a wonderful idea!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

meowmeowmans said...

That's such a great idea. Animals are so sensitive and empathic, and they would be a wonderful comfort to grieving humans.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great idea
Lily & Edward

Random Felines said...

what a wonderful idea....it would take the right animal (we think cats would be great at this too), but what a comfort

The Daily Pip said...

My assistant's mother was a therapist with a home office. Her dog Brutus had a knack for entering the room just when a client needed a little comfort. She used to say that Brutus helped just as much if not more than she did!

Bocci said...

Interestingly, even Freud had help from his dog in counseling patients...or so we've read.

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