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Sunday, January 04, 2015

You And Your Dog Can Exercise Together...At The Gym!

We've all heard (and made) those New Year's resolutions to "get in shape" by doing those tough gym workouts, but wouldn't it be more fun to work out with your dog? And we're not just talking long walks—we mean exercise classes that combine both fitness training for human and canine, plus obedience training for your four-legged friend.

It sounds like the perfect, everyone is slender, fit and well-behaved world, and it might just be. Although "K9 fitness clubs" have been around for at least a few years, we just came across this recent article from one of our favorite holistic veterinarians, Dr. Karen Becker, that discusses the concept in detail. What we particularly love about this discussion is the myriad of ways you can exercise with your dog—it's not your grandmother's "walk your dog around the block" scenario: Take "Bark 'N" Burn", based in Michigan, for example. Here, both human and canine get quite a full body workout!

                      Did someone say "full-body workout"?

Let us know if you've ever been to the gym or formal exercise class with your dog and whether you liked it. We'd love to know!


Duke said...

We have never been to an exercise class with our peeps but it sounds like fun to us!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Daily Pip said...

I like your idea of exercise, Bocci!

Bocci said...

Actually, Parental Unit said she'd take me if there was a class close by...I sure hope they would have squirrels there—that's how I really get my exercise!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We would rather exercise mom outside
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

you're so great with them!
stardoll games

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