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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Blogpaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

The good folks at BlogPaws have an apropos "theme" for today's Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop: "Attitude of Gratitude" —check it out!

How grateful are you feeling today? I do look grateful, don't I Parental Unit?

Now on to the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!


Groovy Goldendoodles said...

Agreed.Tomorrow is a day to reflect on all that we have vs all that we want. I am forever grateful. Happy Thanksgiving.

Talent Hounds said...

Lol such a great photo!

Unknown said...

I dont know if you look especially grateful, but you sure do look cute in your hat!!!!

Bocci said...

Parental Unit here: It took soooo long to get that picture! As you can tell, Bocci looks fed up!

Unknown said...

BOL! Looking fantastic in the Santa hat!

When Dogs Take Over,,, said...

Yes,,,you look grateful that you have a nice warm house with a loving family.

Unknown said...

Grateful for whatever num-nums the humans send your way! Me too, fur-friend. Me too. *wags* Happy Thanksgiving!

Duke said...

You look fabulous in your Santa hat, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Yes, I am surely grateful for my home and Parental Unit-shelters are not fun, I can tell ya!

Mary @ StaleCheerios said...

You look very cute with your Santa hat!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

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