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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Touching Video Makes You A #Beagle Freedom Project Believer!

Make sure you have tissues handy to mop up the tears of joy you'll cry when you see these beautiful, sweet Beagles outdoors for the very first time. Although we've showcased similar videos, this one was just captured on May 6 of this year. And we're officially focusing on Beagle Freedom Project.org and the amazing work they do rescuing Beagles from laboratory testing.

 As a reminder, Beagles are used for laboratory testing primarily because of their compliant, good natures, which makes their lives trapped in cages and subject to constant testing for human beauty (and other) products all the more tragic. Besides giving one of these sweethearts their forever home, you can also help to permanently eliminate this kind of testing by purchasing only "cruelty free" products that declare on their label that no animal testing was involved. Go for it! Become a #Beagle Freedom Project Believer!


Duke said...

The video works today and you were right, our mom is still wiping away tears.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

We had some problems with our blog yesterday-thanks so much for checking back! What really got Parental Unit was the first dog that they put into the grass-the poor pooch had such a bewildered look on his face. I bet they all felt like they were in heaven!

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