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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Plan Ahead For Take Your Dog To Work Day!

How could we possibly forget that this Friday, June 20, 2014, is National Take Your Dog to Work Day? We can't and we won't thanks to Pet Sitters International who came up with this great idea back in 1999. This will be the 15th  year your favorite pooch can join you at the office for a day of hard work  playing, napping and getting special treats and hugs from your office buddies.

There's more than one reason why you should take your dog into work with you this Friday, even for just a few hours. We say (and so do the doggie experts) that every bit of socialization your dog gets helps him to become, well, more socialized to different people, places and activities. And getting your pooch out of the house for a few hours can't hurt.

But there are also some plan-ahead tips to make your office visit enjoyable for everyone, particularly your co-workers. The most important consideration is to make sure that your office will allow you to bring your dog, and that they are, in fact, celebrating this national day-so check ahead of time with your boss.Then, be considerate of your co-workers by: bathing your dog pre-visit, and only introducing him to those office mates who seem interested. You can't assume that everyone is a dog lover like you are. And bring plenty of your own treats, food and water (in addition to his toys and bed) so you can monitor what your dog ingests during this hectic day.

Most of all, use this time with your dog and co-workers to celebrate canine companionship and gently promote the idea of adoption. After all, those are the twin reasons that Pet Sitters International came up with this great idea!

We hope you have tons of fun this Friday and would love to hear about you and your pup's office adventures. I'll let you know if I'm allowed to pay a quick visit to Parental Unit's office...


Duke said...

We go to work with mom and dad every single day. We are two very lucky pups and mom and dad feel pretty lucky to have us there with them!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

You are all so lucky, Mitch, Molly and Parental Units!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom said if we went with her she would be sent home. Nutty
Lily & Edward

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