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Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Lucrative Pet Industry

Standard Poodle, Hattie, watching a video of her Mom. Photo: Jenn Ackerman, NYTimes

We love that the pet industry (those who make food and products to help you better care for your pet) is growing each year. According to the American Pet Products Association, humans spent upwards of $55.8 billion last year alone—all to care for, and yes, pamper us pets. And this recent article in The New York Times focuses on the start-ups in the pet business—those entrepreneurs who have a great idea to help you, say, commune with your pet while you're at work—see Ms. Hattie above, but don't necessarily have the money to get their idea to market.

Enter Kickstarter and savvy investment groups who see the skyward direction of the pet industry, and you've got a great combination that should ultimately benefit pets. The idea is that many of you who own pets, see us more like children, and in some respects, we think that's a good thing. The human who built the pet food giant Iams (which he ultimately sold to P&G for $2.3 billion), calls this change  "quite a shift from the days when the dog slept in the garage, ate table scraps and 'occasionally got their burrs taken out'".

Anything that encourages humans to better care for and interact more with their pets is a positive step forward in our book! We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the expanding pet products world—let us know what you think.

Here's my high tech device to help Parental Unit and me interact...


Unknown said...

LOL Bocci we love your high tech interactive device. We think simple is best. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Sheltie Times said...

I think it is great companies are trying new things and consumers are in a position to buy them.

Laika said...

I am so glad we don't have to sleep in the garage :-)

Duke said...

We love playing tug with our mom too, Bocci! Mom calls us her furkids because we truly are!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

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