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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Community Comes Together For Wounded Police Dog

A brave police dog in Anaheim, California, Bruno, was shot a few days ago in the line of duty, but his struggle to recover has brought his community together in an outpouring of support that has surprised the local police force. This article in the Los Angeles Times tells the story in vivid detail, but briefly, Bruno, a German Shepherd, was shot in the face after he discovered a suspect the police were chasing, hiding in an alley behind a trash can. One of the officers involved said that " Bruno did his job this week, locating a dangerous suspect and very likely saving officers' lives. And since then, he has shown a remarkable will to live."

After extensive surgery, Bruno was able to eat under his own power and take a short walk outside just this past Sunday, which his veterinarians say is a positive sign for his full recovery. Unfortunately, he won't be able to return to his work on the force.

The really cool part of this story is the support of the local and worldwide community-a fund was established to help pay Bruno's extensive medical costs, and "dozens of dogs and their owners participated in a pack walk over the weekend to show 'strength in numbers' for Bruno".

Hail to Bruno! Let's all hope Bruno gets to live a comfortable and fun dog's life for many years to come!


Unknown said...

That's great news. I hate that he was wounded, but love stories like this.

Duke said...

Thank doG that Bruno will be okay! We're sending him lots of AireZen and healing vibes!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Rightly so and we so hope that despite not being able to work in the police force he finds a loving forever home soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those are moms coworkers
Lily & Edward

Bocci said...

Oh my goodness, Lily and Edward! You could contribute to this story-please do!

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