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Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Living With Your Pet Tips": Top Ten Warning Signs Of Cancer In Your Dog Or Cat

We know that this isn't the most pleasant topic for a restful Sunday, but it is an important one: Pets do get cancer, and humans are the ones in charge of catching our warning signs before it's too late. So in the spirit of early detection, check out these top ten symptoms that may indicate that your pet has cancer. They're posted on PetMD and provided by our friend and BlogPaws Community colleague, Dr. Lorie Huston, who is a practicing veterinarian and author of the popular blog, Pet Health Care Gazette. Thank you PetMD and Dr. Lorie for such important information!

Has your pooch or kitty lost their appetite, have a persistent cough, display any lumps or bumps on their otherwise smooth body? These are just three symptoms that should send you humans (affected pet in tow), scurrying to your favorite vet, just to be sure nothing big is amiss. Better safe than sorry, we say.

We hope you have a cozy, warm restful Sunday—we've got another Polar Vortex heading towards Ohio—brrrr!


Unknown said...

Better safe anyway. Have a serene Sunday and let us all partake of some big easy today.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

This is great information, Bocci! Thank you!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH YES..... the Dreaded Polar Vortex is COMING to Us also... along with the 10 inches of Blowing and Drifting snow that we have.
Stay safe and warm Bocci. Stay safe and CUDDLED UP type of Warm.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Gosh when Benny was initially diagnosed he had no symptoms which was terrifying. Good post

Sasha said...

now I am feeling nervous.

Unknown said...

Well, it;s better to go for health chek-up for your pets time to time to check they are totally fit and fine along with having a dog health insurance for your dogs and other pets

lucy taylor said...

Thanks for sharing this Information. Its quite different from other posts.
Best Bully sticks

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