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Friday, November 15, 2013

Zuke's "Fuel the Love" Treats Review And Massive Giveaway!

First, many thanks to the good folks at Zuke's and Event Barkers for arranging this blog hop and giveaway! We received a box overflowing with four different types of Zuke's full-size dog treats totaling 15 pouches: Hip Action (for dogs needing extra joint support; Skinny Bakes (Crunchy and vegan, low-cal biscuits; Soft Mini-Naturals (perfect size for training); and Z-Filets (grain free and 80% meat). Take a gander at the full line of Zuke's products to whet your appetite!

                        Overflowing box of Zuke's Dog Treats!

And the great news for you is: one lucky reader will win an entire box of 15 Zuke's treat pouches just like this! See details at the end of this post to enter.

But first, let's talk a minute about Zuke's the company: We mentioned yesterday that they've been a "green company" from the very beginning, but they've fueled their good works in lots of other ways, too. For example, Zuke's recently launched a "Fuel the Love to Fuel the Cure" social media campaign to help support The Dog and Cat Cancer Fund, a non-profit dedicated to understanding, treating and preventing canine and feline cancer. Zuke's has long donated a portion of all product sales to this fund, but this effort engages it's customers, too. For every person who follows @ZukesPets on Instagram or Twitter and tags their action-packed photo or video of their pooch with #fuelthelove, Zuke's will donate $5 to the Dog and Cat Cancer Fund, up to $10,000. Thanks for that extra effort, Zuke's!

Now on to our review of these Zuke's treats. Clockwise from top: Skinny Bakes, Z-Filets,  Soft Mini Naturals and Hip Action.

All of Zuke's treats are made in the United States and all of the ingredients are sourced from the U.S, except some of their meat, which is imported from New Zealand. And the first ingredient for each of these treats (except the vegan biscuits) is whole meat.

        Here I am about to enjoy a piece of venison Z-Filet...

And the peanut butter, Hip Action treat...although I'm still lickin' my chops from the Z-Filet!

All that and I can also inhale a Skinny Bake and still keep my boyish figure.

Rest assured that I also sampled a few of the Soft Mini Naturals, but I gobbled them too quickly for Parental Unit to snap a picture!

Now that we've enticed you with this variety of Zuke's healthy dog treats, why not try and win this massive giveaway for your pooch? (And wouldn't a pouch or two make a nice "hostess gift" when attending a holiday party...provided that the hostess has a dog!)

The ONE lucky winner will receive all 15 pouches of the Zuke's dog treats described above. Limited to residents of the continental United States.

Here are the requirements to enter: No anonymous comments, please!

1. "Like" our Facebook page: See top of right sidebar or click here: www.facebook.com/pages/Boccis-Beefs/190090017696328?ref=stream

2. Follow Bocci's Beefs on Google Friends Connect on right sidebar, right under "Join the Fun"!

3. You must give this giveaway a shout-out on your Twitter or Facebook page by using the buttons below this post-easy!

4. Comment on this post and indicate in your ONE comment that you'd like to enter this giveaway. Please leave only ONE comment—you will not get more opportunities to win for any comments beyond one. Thanks!

This contest will run from today, Friday November 15, 2013 through Saturday, November 30th, 2013 at 8:00 EST.


                                       Good Luck!


Unknown said...

My fingers (and my pups' paws) are crossed for this giveaway!!

Also followed on GFC, liked and shared on Facebook, and shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealpolaivar/status/401504256760352768


Olivia R said...

Holy woof...15 bags!
I like on FB - Olivia Rubin
GFC - Olivia Rubin
Tweet link - https://twitter.com/OliviaAbby/status/401545428618850304

ruckustheeskie said...

I'd like to enter this giveaway! The Z-filet looks delish! I did all the above. Woof!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your Zukes and don't include us in the giveaway as we are across the pond....big sigh.
Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We would love to win this! yummmmmmmm

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cynthia Downer said...

Thanks for participating in the event/hosting the giveaway. I'd like to enter. I completed all tasks listed. I can tell how excited you are to try those treats - they must smell great!

Jessica B said...

Melvin would love to win! Completed the list above. He loves his Zukes :)

Michelle Spayde said...

I'd like to enter this giveaway! We're HUGE Zuke's Fans!
1. I like you on Facebook
2. Follow on GFC
3. Shared on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Chellesy1/status/401873354535096320

Thank you!!! spayde.michelle AT gmail.com

Unknown said...

I really want to enter this giveaway, and I completed all the options!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

We would love to win!!

I love the picture with Bocci's tongue out licking his chops waiting for his treat.

Like on Facebook, follow blog and retweeted 11/16 :)

Danielle said...

I'd want to enter this giveaway. I completed all the requirements

Unknown said...

I completed all of the requirements. Thanks for the great giveaway!

LhasaLuma said...

did all 4 as Kyla Patton! Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays from Luma and I!

LhasaLuma said...

Sry forgot to include our email it is kamclauc AT gmail DOT com

Cheryl Chervitz said...

Liked on FB: rozy nozy, tweeted about the giveaway @zekthezookeeper, follow on GFC: zekthezookeeper.
My dogs love Zukes, thanks for the chance.

The World According to Garth Riley said...

I've done all of the above and would like to enter!

emeraldmaz said...

I liked on facebook

emeraldmaz said...

I follow via GFC, Heather Bridson

emeraldmaz said...

Shared on facebook and twitter.

emeraldmaz said...

I would like to enter this giveaway for my pugs, they will love Zukes!!!

Unknown said...

My dog, Froggie, and my foster pups would LOVE to win this amazing giveaway. I follow on GFC and Facebook and shared on Twitter. Thank you!

Cowspotdog said...

Zukes was the first ever treat I had way back when I was just a wee pup and they have been my favorite ever since. We are totally loving all the new ones they have been coming out with. We would love to enter for a big old box of them.

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